Monday, August 07, 2023

...8.7...Over the (VERY FULL) Weekend...

...hence...a very long post...haha...
...I got up super early to make a trip to Goodwill to drop off another load of our junk...and to do the shopping...because I was going to meet up with my sweet college chummy Amy...
...I got some fruit...lemons and limes...avocados tomatoes and bananas...
...I got a whole bunch of chippy things...
...three jams...I used up the last of the strawberry we actually needed that...and every day when I was in France...I had apricot jam on French I'm pretty nostalgic about it...and I buy it whenever I see it...which is not that often...and the Man loves orange marmalade...he must take after my Daddy...haha...
...and a bunch of sweet things too...
...and then it was off to meet Amy...
...and she had some BIG news...she had just the day before gotten a HOLE IN ONE...wowsers...
...and since we didn't really have any plans...we rarely do...haha...and I had a Kohl's gift card...I asked Amy if she'd mind shopping for a new pair of khakis with me...

...ok...are classic khakis a thing of the past and no one told me...Kohl's had absolutely NONE...I did manage to get a pair of crepe-y khaki coloured pants...but not at all what I was looking for...I'll show them to you in a little bit...of course...haha...
...and in the same shopping center there was an Earth Fare...I actually thought they'd gone bankrupt and closed...but here it was and it hasn't much like the original one in Asheville I went to during my college days...
...then still with no plan in sight...we headed over to Belmont to wander around a small town and get some lunch...
...just your typical small southern town...the old train depot...
...main street...
...a gorgeous park...
...a WWII monument...
...then we did a little bit more shopping...I snapped a couple of pictures of some know...just in case I want to copy them or something...
...I actually loved this's really simple...just Granny squares...and it's the exact color of my new 'khaki' trousers... I snapped another photo of the construction for good measure...I do love it...but I do not love the $318 price tag...whaaaaat...
...then we stopped here for lunch...the Cherub Cafe...'s such a sweet restaurant...
...a restaurant with a mission... almost entirely by people with disabilities...
...their placemats serve as their menu...
...but they also describe their mission...
...Amy and I both got the veggie wrap with a side of black bean salad...and it was really really good...
...Amy and I exchanged our little birthday gifts...she got me this adorable jack-o-lantern...I can't wait for Halloween to put it out...
...and these two sweet fat quaters...this one is tea themed...
...and this one has sweet animals...I'm going to find the perfect little project for them...
...and these are my new birthday trousers...Thanks Mom!...
...they're really soft and drape-y...
...and the Man made us yummy tacos for dinner...
...and I went out to water the 'garden'...and picked another small bowl full of yellow tomatoes...

...and then Sunday sweet sissie came for another quick visit on her way back up to Mom's...
...the Man had sent me this link for Reese's Cups...and I'm going to veganize them... Sissie and I stood around the kitchen chatting and making...
...I set up my old almost defunct bread machine...and it made some pretty horrible screeching sounds...I really should have done a little was so trying to talk over it...the Man said it sounded like a wounded kinda did...
...back to the Reese's's a lot of sugar and peanut...and then 9 graham crackers... that into the lined pan... with vegan chocolate...
...and let it set up in the fridge before you slice it...they're really's been so many years since I've had a Reese's cup I wasn't sure...but the Man and Sissie said they are very similar...
...and...we made some snacks...hummus with thos bagel chips...
...and chips and salsa...I chopped up some fresh cilantro into the really takes it up a notch...
...and Sissie brought all of the delicious tomatoes...and we snacked on those as well...
...then the bread was's the Buttermilk Whole Wheat one...again...
...and the Man cooked on the grill...
...enjoying dinner with my sweet Sissie...
...and finally I boxed up the Reese's really does make a ton of them...


~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

1 comment:

  1. I love the granny squares cardigan! I might make one for me! This sounds like a perfect week-end!
