Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Lunch Today

Everything here came directly from the garden about 10 minutes ago.

There are tomatos and cucumbers, a big salad, hot buttered (Earth Balance) beets, and a small serving of steamed green beans and beet greens. It was all so fresh and good and I didn't even salt anything.


  1. Your garden must be thriving. Mine is on it's last leg. Just tomatoes, peppers and potatoes left. Enjoy. E

  2. Looks Delicious!!
    Miss you && Love you!

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    YUM! Paul just built a greenhouse which I have YET to blog about. Things have been crazy on my end. I did see your comment and I still need to do that too!

    I went to the local produce stand a few weeks ago and YUM! I think I had tomatoes and cucumbers with salad dressing for lunch for a week.

  4. Hey Mom,

    Mine's slowing down quite a bit now too - we haven't dug any potatoes yet but we should have a ton this year. We're still getting zucchini, a few handfuls of green beans, and a bunch of tomatos.



  5. YAY - Bridget's on the net...
