Sunday, March 15, 2009

One Last Time

Scout asked if he could go sledding 'one last time' this year - it was very warm today - the high was about 35° F and it really has begun the big meltdown. I still think there will be a few more sledding opportunities...

...the packed snow was just a little bit wet on top - adding to its slipperiness - and the ramp was AWESOME!!!


  1. that does look like loads of fun....but you can keep all that white stuff!!!

    love, k

  2. Good picture of Scout sledding. Looks like you caught him in the air. It's great he has the opportunity to enjoy the weather there. E

  3. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Look at the air under that sled! Oh BTW I have no clue why your posts are coming up on my bloglines. Hence why I have been away.

    Thank you so much for your comments and encouragement.

  4. ours is melting.
    is yours?

  5. This is a cool action shot :)

    Sounds like your spring is almost in the air.
