Friday, March 14, 2014

...Toddlers...Teenagers...and Tubby Toast...

...when Scout was little...really little (before his love of Thomas the Tank Engine) - up until he was about 2...he really loved the Teletubbies...Po was his favorite...and he had a little Po stuffie...and he loved the Noo-Noo (vacuum cleaner thing-y)...and Tubby's a video if you're unfamiliar with Tubby Toast...

...which brings us to today's post...

...A² was over for a visit...and they were feeling 'snacky'...and Scout came up as asked if they could have some Tubby he used to have when he was little...I was so surprised...

...So I asked if he just wanted some cinnamon toast...or if he actually wanted the little faces...and he said they wanted the faces...apparently he had been telling A² about it...

...if you've never made Tubby Toast's's easy...and it only takes a few minutes...
...spread some softened Earth Balance on a slice (or two) of bread...
...then cut a smiley face out of freezer doesn't have to be perfect...
...put the smiley face on the 'buttered' bread - shiny side down...
...mix up some cinnamon sugar...about 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon in about 2 Tablespoons of sugar...I never measure...and that's pretty adjust to your taste...
...then just sprinkle over the toast-face...
...completely cover the slice of bread with cinnamon sugar...
...then taking the point of the knife...lift off the paper face pieces...being careful not to spill the cinnamon sugar into the eyes and mouth areas you're uncovering...
...and you'll have a smiley face made out of cinnamon sugar...
...put your slices on a baking tray...I used a sil-pat sheet...but it's not necessary...
...and run the slices under the broiler until the cinnamon sugar starts to bubble...
...and you'll have perfect Tubby Toast for your

~Have a lovely day!


  1. As I read this I could smell the cinnamon - tubby toast, love it!

  2. And the German for Tubby Toast is - ta da - Tubby Toast!

  3. one great big awwwwww!

    love, k

  4. that is so cute!
    both the toast and the fact that scout wanted to share some with his gal. :)
