Saturday, October 10, 2020

...10.10...Dinner and a Movie...

...on my tray...a Field Roast sausage...a boiled red potato...homemade sauerkraut...spicy mustard...a bowl of peas...and tea...

...and the move was the one from last week that we didn't watch...The Trip to was ok...a lot like the other Trips...funny and sometimes uncomfortable conversations between the two characters...

...what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Yummy! I am rediscovering the taste of simple boiled potatos. So good!
    Yesterday i watched Letters from Mansfield Park. Again!

  2. We're watching "The Wire" series now. A little slow to get to know the characters, but now we're enjoying it. It's crime-drama, but not much blood/guts.

    Love, K
