Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Vacation at the Lake

Lake vacations are much more popular up here than beach vacations (for obvious reasons). We had so much fun!

This is a really fun game to play in the car - it's called Railroad Rush Hour - My brother E gave it to the Man-Cub a couple of years ago. There's a bunch of cards that show you how to set up the board and then you move engines and cars one square at a time to free up a path for the red engine to get out. The cards get harder as you go on and even if you've done them before you can come back to it a while later and it's new again.
There was just lots of this - playing on the beach...

The Man-Cub made a couple of fast friends with other boys who were staying at the lake this week - they played together quite a bit...
Here we are in our paddle boat - whew almost home...
It was a lot of fun - but it took about 2 hours of paddling and the Man-Cub didn't ask to ride the paddle boats again...
Remember it stays daylight up here until about 10:30 - so here we are swimming at 10:00 PM...
There was some swimming in the pool - but not a lot...
A couple of families of Canadian Geese - their little babies are so sweet...
This was just interesting - they're 'harvesting' the seaweed...
They pile it up on the beach and haul it away...


  1. We have Rush Hour, and Tipover by the same company. Good fun (my husband is very good at those games, must be the logical brain).

  2. hey, loved the comment about not asking to paddleboat again!! nothing like too much of a good thing....

    and the 10 o'clock swimming shot was pretty neat too!

    love, k

  3. Hi Nicola,

    Yep - I actually think both the Man and the Man-Cub are better at the visual/spatial games than I am - I do try 'though...

  4. Hey K,

    We had a lot of fun at the lake - I'll try to post a photo of our sunset up here - about 11:15 still...

  5. I grew up in Michigan and we always had an annual lake vacation. You're pictures reminded me a lot of my brother at that age, on vacation. :)

    Looks like you had a great time!

  6. Thanks Kristina,

    We had such a good restful time - we're happy to be back home too...
