Saturday, October 10, 2009

100 and the Salt Dough Project

Scout came out of school with his project and as he hopped into the car he said - 'Guess how many points this project was worth?' - '100' I said...
...'and guess how many points I got?' - '100' I said again...
...he was just beaming - this sort of 3D project is right up his alley - we made the salt dough together at home - but he completed the project entirely on his own at school...


  1. what memories that brings back!! good for him - and cool that his mom assumed that he got 100!

    love, k

  2. You had described it but a picture is worth a thousand words. He did a super job,and deserved that 100. MOM

  3. that is very cool!
    oh! i remember the days of being so proud of grades on things i had worked hard on!

    i got my little package! it's lovely! i'm going to tuck in some stamps and a bit more stationary, and it will be all ready for christmas giving! :) thank you!

  4. Making salt dough is so much fun! I do it with my students at school and they love it.

  5. cool project. I would have guessed he get a score of 100 for this too.
