...another post in our Exploring W.V. series... the
Droop Mountain Battlefield...

...You may or may not know that the Man is a huge Civil War buff...we used to visit Civil War battlefields in N.C., S.C. and Florida - where we have lived...and Tennessee and Virginia on visits...there weren't any in N.D. and this is our first visit to one in W.V. ...

...you can really learn a lot from history's conflicts...

...it's always very moving for me to stand on ground where people fought and died...

...you look out at this peaceful view and you think that could not possibly have happened here...

...I left the text large enough for you to read...

...it's also interesting to note that West Virginia is the only state formed during the Civil War - well Nevada too...but not as a direct result of the conflict...

...there were lots of these signs with information about the different battles and skirmishes...this one is especially interesting because of the reference to
George S. Patton's grandfather...so the WW II Patton was actually the 'third'...quite the military family...

...some weaponry...I can only imagine the courage staring down one of these big guns would take...

...some other pictures from the trip...

...the New River Gorge...

...Pearl S. Buck's birthplace...that'll be another entire trip...I read all of her books as a teenager...and they made quite an impression on me...

...and I was so very sad that it was not open when we stopped...

...it's such a lovely house...and now that I've
read all about it...I really want to go back...