Saturday, July 03, 2010

Family Vacation - #6c - Reading

I managed to find time to read three really good books on this vacation...

...well, Easter Island, I had started before we left - I loved it - I want to go to Easter Island - like all books that separate different storylines into separate chapters - I read all of the Elsa chapters as one story - then all of the Greer chapters as another story - and all of the German chapters as another - I don't care for the interruption of one storyline by another - and I'm not sure why that's so popular...

...then Karen gave me A Thousand Splendid Suns - we stayed up late each night talking - then I stayed up even later reading long after Scout had fallen asleep on his air mattress - I loved The Kite Runner and was so looking forward to this book - and it was not dissapointing at all - I love these books - so hopeful...

...another of Karen's hand-me-downs was I am Hutterite - I had read the Nat Geo article on Hutterites a couple of years ago - so this book was a nice continuation of that...

...I'll be giving these books stay tuned for a GIVEAWAY!


  1. Oh, nice selection of books. "A Thousand Splendid Suns" is a great book and, in my opinion, even better than "The Kite Runner"... if that's possible! Enjoy!

  2. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I almost bought A Thousand Splendid Suns today.

  3. The Hutterites sounds very interesting. I am so intrigued by communities living a simple life within communities where life is the opposite.

    The best programme on the Amish I saw was on TV5 - in English with French subtitiles. The reaction of the Amish to the murder of the children in the school was nothing short of inspiring and humbling.

    I also love the Mennonite 'More with Less' books, both cooking and living. Their philosophy of life shines.

    None of these groups of people seem to trade happiness for their lives, in fact the reverse.

    Love the socks!

  4. oh, I am always interested in a few good reads! Thanks for sharing.

  5. here I was smiling at your post, thinking that it reminds me of my giveaway and then i read the magic word down at the end. you're having a giveaway too? wowowwww! :)
