Thursday, May 17, 2012

...striped carpet...

...I know I've complained mentioned before that we had carpet EVERYWHERE in this even the laundry room... the other day...when the sewer backed up...into the laundry was onto carpet...YUCK...

...well...there was no amount of cleaning that was going to make that carpet clean enough for me to live with it...and if we didn't have 1000 other things on our to-do list had time...I would have gone ahead and replaced the carpet with tile...

...but we have this super cute little soaker sink...that can't be moved without completely disconnecting it from the water line and it's going to have to come out when the floor does finally get replaced...

...and I adore this old's big and deep...perfect for soaking clothes...even hand wash only quilts can go in's also perfect for watering has a counter top height rubber sealed cover too...

...and a neat little storage space underneath... for now...we're living with striped carpet...we've pieced in a new slice of indoor/outdoor carpet...and that will have to do until we get the time to dismantle and re-floor the laundry room...


  1. I love that little sink!

  2. The sink is super cute. I wonder what you will do with it once it is removed?

  3. yes, that sink is cool! and the carpet is a good solution. see ya soon! love, k

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Possessing the most beneficial kind of sinks inside the proper areas is important not just to accomplish lots of many different duties, from glass and hand washing to stock pot and flatware cleaning.

  5. Oh my that sink is adorable!
