...that's where we were this weekend - so yep - this is another one of those what we did this weekend posts...

...the Man was here - I'm sure that's all very good and important - but not my favorite place to be on a gorgeous spring Saturday...

...so Scout and I went here - that's
Klaus Park - we've been here before - every three years synod assembly winds up in Jamestown...
...Oh no! I thought as we drove up - it's closed - those are sandbags - but no - you just drive in past the 'do not enter' sign and proceed up the one way path going the wrong way...

...that's quite a row of sandbags - I can only imagine the amount of work that went into that...

...we had our picnic lunch near this pile of extra sandbags - thankfully, I don't think Jamestown experienced much flooding this year...

...then there was lots of critter spotting...

...and some plant identification too - we think these are
Asclepias - our specimen was not the best - funny looking little balloon shaped pods though...

...then there was some rock skimming - Scout's quite good at this - makes you want to whistle the Andy Griffith tune - eh...

...we love this little old fashioned bridge across the river - the first time we came here we parked at the end of a dead end street and walked across this bridge - enchanting...

...it's just fun to gaze into deep water...

...and watch all the swirls and eddies...

...we loved these old rickety steps that lead down to the water too...

...then we hopped on the ancient playground equipment - so much more fun somehow than the new-fangled plastic kind that makes your hair stand on end...

...and some tree climbing - this tree was perfect for climbing...

...then we went back to our hotel for some fun in the pool...

...so glad Scout is still 'little' enough for playing on slides - he really is getting very grown up...

...then we went back to the convention center to do a little shopping - several vendors and organizations set up booths on the balcony of the conference center - each year I buy a year's supply of my favorite chocolate here - it's Equal Exchange and you can buy it online
...and to meet the Man for the 'Milestones in Ministry' banquet - our congregation's 25th year - YAY!...