Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nightie-Night - A Night-time Eye Covering Mask Tutorial

This picture was taken when I was packing for our recent trip to Jamestown - You see when a morning person (that would be me) travels with a night person (that would be the Man) - you have to take certain precautions...

We had a nice suite with a separate 'bedroom' - but Scout was sleeping on a pullout sofa in the 'living room' - so the Man couldn't really stay awake in there - so I knew I would need to be able to sleep with lights and tv on (maybe not tv - as he would probably be reading - but I had to be prepared just in case)...

...The Hearos are super soft little ear plugs that are comfortable enough to sleep in - but I needed some sort of shade for my eyes - to trick my brain into thinking it was dark - so I made a little pattern for a night-time eye cover...

...I cut it out of some of that same shiny black cloth that I used to line my Easter skirt...

...attached enough elastic to fit comfortably around my head - make sure you don't make it tight at all...

...Stitch around that and clip the curves...

...Turn it right side out...

...leave a little gap (about an inch) in the top for some nice soft stuffing...

...stuff with a little bit of pillow fluff - you really won't need very much...

...pat it down softly and smoosh it around until it is even - try it on and make sure it's comfortable and take out some stuffing if you've overstuffed it...

...then top-stitch around the mask...

...Sweet Dreams...


  1. That turned out great!

  2. What a great tutorial, I oft wanted to make one with some herbs in it. Thanks for the kind words about my new blog/diary. I have so enjoyed writing it!~

  3. And? Did it work?

    I've used earplugs in the past and they were brilliant!

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Neat! Those would make nice gifts.

    What a pretty bedroom. I want to re-do my bedroom, to make it more peaceful and tranquil.

  5. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Great tutorial! Looks comfy with the fabric choice and added stuffing! So dd you get a good night sleep? :)

  6. I'll echo everyone else's question: How did you sleep?

  7. Anonymous1:50 PM

    We're the other way around. My husband is a morning person, and I'm a night. However noises used to really irritate me, especially when we used to go camping - maybe I should have taken earplugs!

  8. I've always thought I'd be bothered by such things when I slept... but I'll often put a pillow over my eyes if napping - so it might work!

  9. Thanks for sharing! I am planning on making two of these for me and my husband. I hope mine will turn out okay. LOL!

    Adin B
