Wednesday, April 10, 2024

...4.10...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...y'all know our littlest grandbabe's birthday is coming up...and since I decided to wait a year to give her the little knitted fashion dollie...I wanted to make this last birthday in Okinawa a little bit special...we got her this light-up-music-playing-blow-out-cheering birthday card...she adores musical cards...and I couldn't find one anywhere and had to special order this's absolutely she also loves mermaids and unicorns...

...and so for her 'small' gift (Our Airman asked for something really small as they don't want to pack it up to move to Alaska in a couple of months)...we got her a night-light book...and I could have gone up into the attic and gotten some pretty pink wrapping paper...BUT...
...I wanted something super special for our 3 year I rummaged around in the craft room (aka...laundry room...haha)...and found these post it notes in bright I made some little strips and curled them...and gathered them together...
...then I sketched a unicorn horn...and cut it out as segments from a piece of brown craft paper...
...then I wrapped the book in white printer paper...use what you have...right?...and sketched with a pencil...some ears and eyelashes where I thought they should go...
...filled those in with black
...added some pink to the ears...the same pink post it notes...
...positioned the curly and colourful little mane...and the pieces of the alicorn...
...and glued everything in can see all of the supplies that I used...totally a free project...
...I am super happy with how it turned out...and I think Little Sissie will love it too...
...I made a little cardboard ring and taped it in place under the mane so that the curls won't get flattened during shipment...

...remember the Kitty-Cat giftbag...another totally free gift wrap...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Awwww that's so sweet as always! Love, K

  2. what thoughtful gifts for her!! I cannot believe she is three! Time is flying on by.
