Friday, April 12, 2024

...4.12...Friday New House then...

...still working on caulking all of those spindles...just a couple more days and they'll all be done...YAY!...
...and still prepping the cabinets for Hale Navy paint...we've moved the linen cupboard out from the was tricky... idea how they got the thing in definitely can't lay it down and carry it out...but it sure will make painting it easier...
...but we did remove all of the doors and we're sanding them the garage... now back to the past...
...we mowed along the close to the ground as possible...thinking it would make preparing the ground easier...not sure that it did though...
...but we dug up the sod...and laid down the landscaping cloth...
...and we also planted the first two daylillies at the ends of the walkway...
...we plan to completely line the walkway with lillies of different may have already seen them...haha... the spool of edging ready...
...and then of course it rained...and I was kind of surprised how long it took the water to soak through the permeable landscape cloth...
...but the sea oats are ready to go...and the rain will be nice for them newly planted...we're using a drill attachment to make the holes...
...cut little evenly spaced holes out of the cloth...
...drilled the holes...
...and planted the oats...
...they look healthy enough...
...put out the mulch...
...and there you have it...a neat row of sea oats along the fence...
...I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned before that we have a hedge of tea olive down the side of the house and all along the fence...
...I can't tell you how heavenly this smells when it blooms...
...but the bushes defninitely needed a haircut... the Man climbed up the ladder and took care of that...
...initially...I thought this was a bad photo of the sea oat lined fence...but if you look closely you can see the Man on the ladder trimming the hedge above the fence...haha...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, cute that you can see the Man....I would have never noticed had you not pointed it out! Love, K
