...well...this was supposed to be a happy post...

...where I show you a couple of fairly hideous BEFORE pictures...

...with carpet...of course...

...and then I'd show you a couple of IN PROGRESS pictures...of how we found tile under the carpet...and bought some goop that was supposed to clean the carpet goo off the tile...and it did with about 2 hours of work per square foot...but it did work and I was all happy and frugal-like...keeping the seafoam green fixtures...
...because we were saving the BIG bathroom re-do project for the even more hideous bathroom attached to the Master bedroom...

...so with a nifty gadget...

...we removed the wallpaper...

...even just removing the coastline print brightened the room considerably and made it a lot less busy...

...we bought some pale green...really almost white...paint...

...the Man fashioned a new retro greenish light fixture from the bottom of a broken ceiling fan unit...so always check the return/mark-down/damaged section of your hardware store with an open mind...

...we got a neat matching kit from
This Old Toilet...and matched a new toilet lid...

...we installed a new faucet...and our retro mid-century bathroom was almost complete...

...and then when we were putting in the wood floors...we had to remove a few tiles for the reducer-threshold thing-y...and we found what looked like some water damaged wood...so...YIKES!...we took up some more tile...and found that the rotten stuff...although completely dry now as no one has used this shower in probably more than a year...will have to be replaced ...that means that the floor tile and the tile around the bathtub will be ruined...
...so being the optimist that I eternally am...and always embracing the unexpected and unwanted as if it was what I had wanted all along...we'll be changing our plans...and keeping the blush bathroom off the Master bedroom for quite a while longer as we repair and replace the Green bathroom...I'm thinking we can even stop calling it the green bathroom...as it will almost certainly be WHITE!...