We have a family picnic each year to celebrate the scouts who are promoted to the next level - Tiger to Wolf - Wolf to Bear - Bear to Webelos 1 - and Webelos 1 to Webelo 2. This the the Man-Cub's last promotion in Cub Scouts - in February he'll receive the Arrow of Light and move to Boy Scouts. Since Webelos last for 2 years there's not really anything all that special about the change from 1 to 2 - so that's when we change to the olive/tan scout uniform and believe me that's a big deal.

This is the Man-Cub in his new Scout uniform. The socks are from his Auntie Karen - Thanks K.

A funny picture of me handing out awards.

The Man-Cub with his Webelos Badge.

Then we all went outside for some fun and games. A fast paced game of Dodgeball - the balls were really soft.

A potato sack race - so funny!

The Scout 'hand-cuff' trick - so easy once you know the trick.

And finally a watermelon eating contest - YUM!!