Tuesday, April 30, 2024

...4.30...Tuesdays with Julia...

...one of my favorite desserts yet...the Vegan Bavarois Praliné
...and all of the particulars are over at The Vegan Version...

~Have a lovely day!

Monday, April 29, 2024

...4.29...Over the Weekend...

...I did the weekly shop...
...nothing really different...but I'll just complain again that the organic veg the cabbage and the peppers are wrapped in plastic and the non-organic stuff is not...so weird...
...we washed the pollen off of both the front porches...AGAIN!...
...and our green beans are BLOOMING!!!

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

...4.27...Dinner and Movie...and blogger comments...

...first of all...posting my comments to blog friends here...

...to my sweet sissie Karen who blogs from her boat at McCraw Sails...Hey K...that was crazy about the boat running aground...glad y'all made it safely across...and I like the colourful bench and table...the rays followed us up and down the beach when we were last on the gulf coast like that...I still stay well away from them...the houses sure are pretty and colourful as well...I love the pink jail......Love, T

...to karen from Pumpkin Sunrise...Hi Karen...what a beautiful lavender coloured scarf...love it...so lacy and pretty...and I love sudoku...and I prefer to do it on paper...but I do have an app on my phone as well...

...to Éphée from L'éphémère quotidienneté des repas et autres trucs de magie...Hi Éphée...I love your broccoli risotto idea...and the pup with lunettes...and Ktulu looks a lot like Kitten...only she has a white spot...

...to Penny from Snap That Penny...Hi Penny...I loved your Skywatch with all the blossoms...so pretty...

...and on the reading front...I'm a little over 1/2 of the way through Dombey and Son...just finding it hard to find time to read...haha...
...and it was about time we had brinner again...don'tchyathink...

...and it was my choice so I picked Stonehouse...much like The Theif, His Wife and the Canoe...and probably in our queue because of watching that...it's the also true story of John Stonehouse a British politician who faked his own death...it's a mini-series...so maybe we'll finish it next week...

...what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely day!

Friday, April 26, 2024

...4.26...New House Update...now and then...

...this week around the house...
...I've started re-staining the fence around the back yard...this panel took me 45 minutes or so to finish...and I was surprised that we need to do it again...but this 20 year old wood was probably pretty 'thirsty'...it'll probably take me a month to work my way around the back yard one panel at a time...
...and I'm loving this little addition...I've been doing quite a bit of hand watering of all our little 'garden'...and it was difficult to reach over the flower bed and fill the watering can...so the Man just ordered this little extension and it's much handier now...
...back to the bathroom remodel...the Man has started painting the doors and drawers...this is the final colour...Hale Navy (Benjamin Moore)...
...and the cabinets have a coat of primer...
...it's a funky deep teal colour for some reason...that's what they mixed to go under the Hale Navy...and there's actually a coat of white extreme bond primer under that...
...and then the first coat of Hale Navy on the cabinets...
...they're a little bit tedious to paint...a lot of little spaces and corners...so it's pretty slow going...
...quite happy with the first coat...one more to go...this is probably not the best representation of the colour either...it's a deep blue-grey...and is a complimentary colour for the Palest Pistachio on the walls...

...and now back to the past...
...there was a gap in the molding where we changed out the face of the fireplace...too big to leave or caulk...and we didn't want to replace the trim if we could help it...so I patched it...I'll try to sand it to the shape of the molding and then paint it...
...painted the wall up next to the limestone...trying to feather it in...you mix the paint with some water as you move out...the paint on the walls is 20 years old...and we're not planning on repainting this big room anytime soon...so Sherwin Williams mixed some matching paint for us...but of course it's not a 'perfect' match...but feathered in it seems ok...
...painted the white trim under the stairs...
...not sure what that trim piece is called though...
...sanded the patch...
...and primed it...
...and painted the baseboard along the stairs...that might also have a different name...
...just about everything looks better with a fresh coat of paint...
...so I painted the big windowsill on the landing as well...
...and we hung the 8 day clock in the foyer/entryway...
...it was the Man's Dad 40 year gift from the company he worked for all his working life...

...and a few outside things...
...our sprinkler controller died...
...a photo of the wires so we can put them in the correct place on the new controller...
...the new controller in place...
...and the wires all attached...it works!...
...just the screws on the vinyl plastic railing had rusted...so we painted those white...much improved...
...and finally we got a new battery powered edger...I had been using the weedeater runed up on it's side...
...but this is much...much better and easier...I love the nice crisp lines...

~Have a lovely day!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

...4.25...Delicious Vegan Food we ate...

...not all eaten at once...but just a few random (or odd) things that we ate this week that were delicious...
...first up...I'm pretty picky about how I like to eat a banana...I like just a few brown spots...you've seen me try to get varying degrees of green-ness on bananas in my grocery shops...just so that there is ONE good banana to eat each day...

...how do you like your bananas...I have a friend that won't eat a banana if there are ANY brown spots...and another one that likes them pretty green...eeeuuuwww...
...we made these delicious crunchy garbanzos...recipe here...
...I made just a couple of vegan buttermilk biscuits for brekkie one day...
....really delicious...topped half with the Man's pineapple jam...and half with the Man's Mom's strawberry freezer jam...
...and finally another kind of weird fruit...when I was growing up Mom would make halved grapefruits for us for breakfast...she would slit all of the segments and top each half with a hefty spoonful or two of sugar...I liked it...sweet and tart and a little bit bitter...

...way back when I was teaching...the Japanese teacher used to bring a whole grapefruit almost every day for lunch...and we'd sit together in our classrooms and share a little break...and she would just peel the grapefruit and eat the segments...like I would do with an orange...and I didn't think that I would like it like that...but surprisingly...I actually do...this one is a ruby red one so it's pretty sweet naturally...

...so...how do you eat your grapefruit?...

~Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

...4.24...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...I finally finished the fraternal knee sock to crew sock transformation...

...go here if you want to remember what the too tight knee socks looked like...
...I kept the colours at the tops the same as they were on the knee socks...
...they're really comfy now as nice loose crew tops...
...and I'm really happy to have them as socks I'll actually wear instead of socks sitting in a drawer...haha...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

...4.23...Tuesdays with Julia...

...we made a delicious velvety molded dessert...
...it set up nicely...
...and was exactly how Julia described it...lovely, light, creamy, and velvety...

...and all of the particulars are over at The Vegan Version...

~Have a lovely day!

Monday, April 22, 2024

...4.22...Over the Weekend...

...we started the weekend with a tofu scramble...mine is topped with violife mozzarella shreds and vegan bacon bits...and I had a slice of that funky whole wheat bread that I'd made...toasted...it was pretty yummy...still a bit dense though...
...then I did the weekly shopping...nothing unusual really...but a pretty big shop this week...does anyone else think it's weird that all of the organic produce comes wrapped in plastic...I can get broccoli unwrapped...but not organic broccoli...same with peppers and spinach...not very 'green'...

...and then it was just a quiet weekend...we went to Church...and we went for a nice walk...the Man will stop walking with me once the weather heats up...so sad...but during the springtime...all two weeks of it...he's happy to join me...
...and then just some regular food prep...greens...
...vegan cornbread...
...and we're all ready for another week...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!