Monday, July 22, 2024

...7.22...Over the Weekend...

...I had brought home so much food that I really didn't need to get much this week...
...I did a little bit of food prep for the week...a big pot of yellow eyed beans...
...I ran the two big zucchini that my sweet brother and SIL gave me through the food processor...directly into a baggie...
...and then I took a wooden spoon and separated it into four 'chunks'... that when it's frozen I can just break off a piece containing roughly enough for a zucchini bread...and I laid it on a tupperware lid so that it would freeze nice and flat...
...I washed the rest of the bok choy...and got it ready to be used up this week...
...and took the remaining cup or so of the zucchini...
...and made zucchini bread...
...and cooked it in the outside oven...haha...toaster oven...and made some squash out there on the Griddler...
...the bread turned out perfectly...
...and we're still picking a handful of little tommy-toes every day or two...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

...7.20...Dinner and a Movie...and blogger comments.... my sweet sissie Karen who blogs from her boat at McCraw Sails...Hey was so good to see everyone up at Mom's...that's a pretty Pittsboro sunset...and you are just rolling in garden fresh too...we're so lucky...Love, T karen from Pumpkin Sunrise...Hi Karen...poor glad he's doing better but too bad about all the vet visits...I love your pumpkin-y cardigan... Éphée from L'éphémère quotidienneté des repas et autres trucs de magie...Hi Éphée...I love all your plants...and your crochet bag is so pretty...and your lake view too...and both your potato dog and your actual dog look great! Penny from Snap That Penny...Hi Penny...your garden is so nice...I wish we had access to a community garden...maybe next year we'll find one...I love seeing what you're reading...and yes...the Man did switch out all of the actual outlets...I stay as far away from electricity as possible... Beth from BLD IN MT : LIVING A SIMPLE LIFE IN THIS INTERCONNECTED WORLD...Hi is a really hot summer here in the south as well...and it sounds like your garden is doing really well...all those strawberries are glorious...and I love your long vest...

...I've finished Hard Times...and I'm over half way through Little Dorrit...I liked the first half a lot better than the second...once they come into money they're just not so nice...(not including Little Dorrit of course)... was time for some delicious Chinese takeout...
...Buddhist Delight never disappoints...

...and the movie was Saving Mr. was really good...Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson...the story of Disney's version of Mary Poppins...I always knew that Mary Poppins came for Mr. Banks and not the children...and I LOVE Mary Poppins...

...what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely day!

Friday, July 19, 2024

...7.19...Friday Update...

...I thought I'd show you all the goodies that I brought home from Mom's...fuzzy double layered slipper socks...the red and white striped shoes she got at the thrift store here...because they match the striped shirt I refashioned the other week...a pretty new swimsuit...and a new butter dish...
...the old old measuring spoons that I grew up learning to cook those...
...a cute spider plant...
...and a gorgeous hanging basket that Mom put together for me...
...and I got an early birthday present from Mom...we were talking about this crazy deal on plant based cookbooks...where you get like 100 for $50...and then Mom was surprised when she got a text about it...siri is always listening right?... she bought it for me for my's awesome...and I've only looked at about half of the cookbooks so far...
...she gave the Man this old cast iron wok...he's going to re-season it and use it on the back porch kitchen for a stir-fry soon...
...and this is the cool butter dish...
...added a stick of plant based butter...
...a neat feature is that you can open it with one hand...while you hold your toast...

~Have a lovely day!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

...7.18...Delicious Vegan Food...from Mom's...

...we brought home a bunch of food from Mom's and my sweet brother and SIL's garden...
...I put the little stripey tomatoes in the window to ripen a little bit...the big guy came from the farmer's market...
...the first thing I made was a sort of Asian slaw...
...just grated kohlrabi and carrot...
...sort of like the one you get at a hibachi sauce, sesame oil, pepper, ginger, sugar and vinegar...
...and topped with sesame seeds and green onions...
...I cooked some bok choy on the Griddler...
...and another night...I used some more kohlrabi to make a nice soup...kohlrabi, onion, celery, bay leaf and vegan bouillon...cooked in my outide 'kitchen'...
...and then blended...
...and I had that with the last serving of my sweet Sissies delicious casserole from the reunion...fresh corn from the farmer's market...and broccoli...
...and then I made two different versions of roasted kohlrabi...
...just a splash of olive oil salt and pepper and cooked in my outdoor toaster saw this version on my plate with Julia Tuesday...
...and another version of the same thing cooked in the Griddler also outdoors... real difference in the two...

...and we've still got zucchini and yellow squash and more bok choy to use up...

...what delicious food have you been eating lately?...

~Have a lovey day!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

...7.17...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...y'all have already seen this little project...but I waited to show it to you just to make it a little bit of a surprise for Mom...
...Mom asked me if I could do anything to 'fix' this favorite shirt of it had been spattered with oil on the front and had a couple of bleached spots on the sleeve... I just embroidered some stars/wheels/asterisks...whatever you call that shape...over all of the spots...and I was amazed at what a great 'randomizer' the spots were for placing the little stars...both the size and the was really neat...
...then when it came to the bleached spots...I thought I'd try to match the colour of the shirt...I just took some permanent markers and scribbled a little bit into a bowl...
...and then added some alcohol and swirled it around to make a dye...
...and painted it over the spot...then I just embroidered over that...but I don't think it was really necessary as the white star would have covered it up pretty well...
...and I may have gotten it a little bit too dark...oh well...
...and here's the finished shirt with it's random sprinkling of stars covering all of the spots...I'm really happy with how it turned out and Mom likes it a lot too...
...and then I also wanted to make her a new hanging towel for her kitchen...just like I made for Sissie's birthday...
...this is Mom's...I'm going to make one for here as well with the other half...

...what's in your workbasket this week?

~Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

...7.16...Tuesdays with Julia...

...I made a single serving of Julia's Vegan Farce the Man said up front that he definitely didn't want any...haha...
...Julia herself calls it an "unlikely combination"...
...vegan salmon/anchovies/ odd...and it won't be on repeat around here...

...all of the particulars are over at The Vegan Version...

~Have a lovely day!