Scout's final project of the school year was to create a castle - they're studying the Middle Ages - who doesn't love that...and I have sand all over my house again...

...Just like with the
pyramid project - Scout wanted to do papier mache - so we started by tearing up some newspaper...

...we made a huge pile of paper and then played in it for a little while - it was like playing in the leaves...

...then we got down to business and cut out the shapes...

...made some turrets...

...and taped everything together...

...lots of cutting and taping...

...and reading of notes...

...lots of gluing too...

...then the painting began - see how meticulous he is...

...then the fun of throwing some sand around...

...tracing the castle on the base...

...more paint for the inner courtyard's sand to stick to...

...more sand...

...then a mote...

...then some grass...

...then some glue on the mote...

...because Scout had the brilliant idea that plastic wrap glued to the blue paint would look like water - I love it...

...then the whole castle gets a coat of grey paint... on to building the wooden gate house...

...using pliers as a cutting tool...

...a rickety roof...

...finally - all painted - labeled and ready to go...

...Scout's 'extra credit' items included several knights, an heraldric banner, a drawbridge windlass, and a pot of boiling oil...

...Scout is proud of his project - wish him luck!