Y'all know that Scout's an only child...and we're a family blessed with two good jobs...so it's all too easy to 'spoil' the child by giving him everything he wants...but we really do make an effort not to do this...and I'm afraid we say 'no' to his requests about as often as we say 'yes'...
...so...the other day he was reading one of his (many) fish books and got the idea that he
needed a bullhead catfish...
...now for the non-fish-aware - that's a fish that can't live in any of the other THREE aquariums (aquaria) that he already has...so when he asked for it - I immediately said 'no'...
...but, after talking it over with his Papa - we decided that IF he can re-arrange his current aquaria to make room for the new one (without setting anything on the floor) and IF he earns the money himself - he can buy the new aquarium and fish...

...so he got to figuring (I love this little budget) - we don't give Scout an 'allowance' but we do pay him for mowing the lawn (about $10 per week - and we have a very short mowing season) - he apparently already had $37 dollars saved up - it's listed at the top as 'wallet money' - but after all his figuring - he determined that he needed $65.60 - and I LOVE it that he included a tithe in his budget...
...so Scout is on a quest to find moneymaking 'jobs' around the house...

..first up - I let him wash my car...he did an awesome job for his first time solo...

...he did an even better job vacuuming...my car is a LOT cleaner than it was...
...How do you instill the value of money?...