...this was the most PACKED day of all...

...we started with some more swimming - ya gotta do that every day ya know...

...then the boys had to prepare 3 meals in camp - lunch today was one of them...

...they did pretty well and seemed to enjoy their own cooking - we adults did not help at all...

...then some knot tying - instruction...

...and practice...

...then supper was also cooked in camp - there was quite a flame up over the fire - notice my veggie burger and buns are quite safe on the grill...

...after supper was Chapel...Scout was one of the Chaplain's Aides who led the singing...

...then on this whirlwind of activity day - we headed straight from Chapel to the Commissioner's Campfire - one campsite is chosen in each area of the camp for a Commissioner's Campfire - and for us it was Iowa - right across the trail from us...

...we performed our skit "The Right Paper" - the Scoutmaster keeps asking the boys to bring him the 'right paper' so he can 'get the job done'...

...and the boys keep bringing him forms filled out...

...and he keeps yelling at them that it's not the 'right paper'...

...until one of the scouts brings him a roll of toilet paper - and he finally exclaims - 'Finally, I can get the job done - because now I have the right paper' - hahaha - our Scoutmaster is such a good sport...the boys thought it was hilarious!

...next we had a Flag retirement ceremony - I had never been to one before...

...they inspect the flag to make sure it's beyond repair...

...then reverently and slowly lower it onto the blazing fire - they did this about 10 times as several troops had brought old flags to camp with them for disposal...

...Next up, right at sunset - the OA Call-Out...

...we followed our Order of the Arrow guides through the gathering darkness to a 'secret' location - two of our scouts were called out...
...then we were led back to our camps by the guides with firelit torches...