Wednesday, July 30, 2014

...another day older...

...but hopefully not 'deeper in debt' y'all know that song...
...we got home just in time to have a sweet, and quiet family birthday celebration...and my sweet sissie sent the box above...and my Mom sent a BB&B gift card I can't wait to use...something nice for the bathroom in progress...for sure...
...inside the box...I'll have to get some clothes on that girl...soon...
...and since we've just about filled up all the available space on the Lucy card that we've been sending back and forth FOR YEARS...she found another similar one...on the inside it says...'now you say it back to me' cute!...
...I told the Man that the wrapped package felt like yarn...
...and guess what...I was right!...isn't it absolutely gorgeous!...I'll have to think long and hard about what to make with it...
...and then we had dinner at my favorite restaurant...SO MUCH FUN!

~Have a lovely day!'ll show you my BIG pressie tomorrow...


  1. Oh what fun.

    Happy Birthday!

  2. awww you're a lucky gal!! love the mexi-photo!

    love, k

  3. Okay, I love the duck egg blue yarn - but I just LOVE the photo of you in the restaurant!
