so Thank You Mirella!
the rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to that blog post.
2. Tell ten honest things about yourself and make them interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
3. Pass the award on to ten bloggers you feel embody the spirit of Honest Scrap, and whose blog you find brilliant in design and/or concept.
Ten Things - well I don't know how interesting they are but here goes:
1. When I was little I wanted to be a vet when I grew up - but when I grew up I became a teacher - I worked with a vet enough to see all of the pain involved and decided that I probably couldn't handle that...
2. I took piano lessons first from my Mom (I still have the certificates she signed) then from a local preacher's wife and finally from a 'proper instructor' above the local "House of Music" - and what amazes me when I look back at all of my sheet music and workbooks is how difficult that stuff was - I couldn't play any of it now without a lot of practice - I think I'll stick to hymns...
3. I'm too sentimental - I just sorted through last years cards - Christmas/birthday/notes etc. I put Scout's in his scrapbook - mine in my journal (it has pockets for nick-nack mementos) - the Christmas ones go in with the Christmas bins - but I haven't decided what to do with the Man's - for now they're in my journal too - I guess he's not sentimental...
4. I want to take a pottery class - I think I need another hobby...
5. I want to take a stained glass class - ditto #4...
6. Y'all already know that I love to cook - and you probably know that I love bread - I'm thinking of working my way through the Bread Baker's Apprentice one recipe at a time and making a vegan version of each...
7. I have a wart on my right hand - I'm treating it with Vitamin E - I'll let you know if it works...
8. The only magazine I read is National Geographic - Thanks Mom!
9. I was baptized in a river - people up here think that's incredibly odd - so I love to tell them about it...
10. I have always had a dog - My dogs were:
Brownie and Pepper - 2 Daschunds
Snooper (Mitzi's son)
Fritz Von Gretchen - another Daschund
Champagne - I got Champagne when I was 17 and she lived 17 1/2 years
Duke - a Black Lab
Doobie - another Black Lab
and now Jack - of course - he's 'technically' Scout's dog...
Consider yourself tagged I'd love for you to play along!