Thursday, January 07, 2010

Cell Model

...Scout's back in school and he made this model of a cell - and silly me - I didn't take a picture of it in the morning and when he brought it home in the afternoon - the candies and such that he had used for the different parts had sort of melted into the agar agar - he said he got 100 points though - his teacher must have graded it before the melting started - in hidnsight - we should have used marbles instead of jawbreakers and real ribbon instead of ribbon candy - but we went with Scout's ideas for what would look perfect in the clear gel...


  1. Just read about the weather in your neck of the woods and thought about you and your family. Hope you are keeping warm!!

  2. love it! does the agar-agar mean it's also a vegan cell?

    i miss making stuff like that. i have sensible things to make now, like clothes and dishcloths...

  3. It does look impressive!

    The South Pole is only 2 degrees warmer than the UK - it's chilly!

    Just going to look up the weather in your neck of the woods.

  4. Now that's just awesome, melted or not. What a great project...he earned 100 points!

    My girls could live on peach jam. They'd eat sunbutter and peach jam sandwiches every day if I let them!

  5. glad he got a good grade - i would have never guessed what it was without your help!

    yum - not!

    love, k

  6. I've been off line for a few day and have missed all your action. I hope your Christmas tree injury is healing.

    Congrats to Scout once again his project looks outstanding.

  7. I have to tell you, last night I saw a programme about dogs and their domestication. They were talking about scientific stuff and they said 'mitochondrion' - hello, I thought, I've seen that word somewhere today - flipped onto here and there it was on Scout's cell.

    Thanks Scout, I now know it is part of a cell.

  8. Yep - it's a vegan cell...

  9. The Citric Acid Cycle Explained:
    1. Eating gets it going

    Whenever you consume anything (but especially fats, carbs, and sugars), the food must be converted into a basic form of energy within the mitochondria...

    It's that mitochondrion again!

    Because of this post, I know it is part of a cell! The article means so much more for knowing that.
