...I had a couple of yards of fabric left over from my
Easter dress...I had to buy extra in case the 'experiment' with merging the two patterns didn't work out...
...so...I used some of it to make some bias tape...I'll show you how and you won't need any special gadgets - just scissors, sewing machine and an iron...

...as the name implies you'll want to cut some strips of fabric on the bias...using the formula
width of desired finished bias tape X 4...
1/4 inch bias tape - your strips would be 1 inch
1/2 inch bias tape - your strips would be 2 inches
3/4 inch bias tape - your strips would be 3 inches
1 inch bias tape - your strips would be 4 inches
etc....you could make it even wider for binding a quilt or blanket...
...I need 1/2 inch bias tape so my strips are 2 inches wide...

...the first step is to sew your bias strips into one long strip...

...then iron those seams flat...

...next...fold your strips in half lengthwise and iron...

...you'll have one long strip half as wide as your strip...

...now...open the folded strip back up and fold the two outer edges in to meet the center crease...iron...

...then fold it back along the original crease and iron again...

...and you're done...
...I know you can buy bias tape...but your choices of colour and fabric will be pretty limited...but this way you'll have a nice long strip of bias tape in exactly the colour and fabric that you love...
...I'll show you tomorrow what I wanted this grey bias tape for...
~Have a lovely day!
*****************************************************************************...don't forget to enter the Sew Mama Sew Giveaways...

Click on the image to enter to win a dutiful little dishcloth...