Monday, September 04, 2023

...9.4...Over the Weekend...

Happy Labor Day!

...I made a few vegan buttermilk biscuits for breakfast...
...then I headed out to do the weekly shop...not a huge one...but I got some real goodies...
...Oatly mint chocolate chip ice cream...I haven't had this in ages...
...and then I also got these frozen peach pops...and the box is open because I already ate yum...
...and I got some assorted citrus fruits...
...and these little button mushrooms for $1 off...
...a bag of apples...
...the mustard was 79¢...we didn't need mustard...but it lasts a long time...and I couldn't pass up that price...the oranic raisins are kind of hard to find here for some reason...and the sweet spicy chili chips are accidentally vegan...
...and I picked up a bunch of the single they're the most likely to get thrown out...
...and then I stopped by the health food store...and got thick cut organic oats, high gluten flour for breadmaking, and some red lentils...they're also hard to find around here...
...then I got those things all stowed away...
...and baked some sourdough bread...from a kit in my new breadmaker... baked up perfectly...but not brown enough for me...I guess I should have chosen the 'dark' setting...
...and I did a little bit of food prep for the week...I made a big pot of brown rice...I'm going to turn it into Chipotle's cilantro lime rice...
...and a small pot of black beans...
...the Man cleaned and oiled my piano bench...'s so pretty...
...I washed the poufy comforter from our bed and hung it out on the line...our washing machine has a bulk/comforter can see all of our potted sweet potatoes and tomatoes...the potatoes are getting close to being ready to harvest...and the tomatoes have given us over a gallon of little yellow tomatoes each...
...and the Man made a delicious 'greek' marinade for the tofu...
...baked in the oven...with little golden poatoes in olive oil, lemon juice and a parchment pocket... was such a delicious meal...definitely a keeper...
...and for dessert he made baked apples...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week...


  1. That all looked fun. I'll have to check out the King Arthur Sourdough kit. Love, K

  2. delicious foods and that sneak peek at your yard is lovely!
