Saturday, May 04, 2013

...Indian cooking...

...y'all know how much I love Indian food...

...the boys...not so much...oh well...more for me...right?...

...well...the Rooted awesome fairly new vegan site...had a post a couple of weeks ago about the Best Indian Recipes of far... I bookmarked that...and copied a few of them into my binder...and here's the first one from the list...Tofu Saag Paneer from the Vegetarian Times...
...sautéed some onion, garlic, curry powder, 
and ginger...
...added some spinach, soymilk and soy yogurt...
...and topped with some baked tofu cubes...the recipe calls for you to sauté the tofu first... I just baked mine... delicious...Thanks Maria and Kate!... then I went to the library and got this you do that?...try out cooking books from the library...this one was so much fun to a family food story book...I loved it... you like Indian food?

~Have a lovely day!


  1. hey - just catching up on your blog for the past few days...good fun and yummy treats. love,
