Thursday, January 05, 2023

...1.5...Japan...Day SIX... the morning...we took the babes to the BX to spend their Christmas money...
...Big Sissie got this's like a Mr. PotatoHead...but specifically for making 'emotional''s really cute and a lot of fun...and then we try to make the face too...'giddy'...'anxious'...and of course happy and sad...
...Dada put together Little Sissie's new's adorable...and pink...
...then afternoon...we took the bikes out for a ride...
...and to the playground...
...Big Sissie is fixing the battery on her that!...(it really doesn't have a battery...just pretend)...
...and Little Sissie swinging high with Dada...
...then we loaded some snacks and headed into the sunset...
...because we wanted to get here...LANTERN FESTIVAL...right at dark...
...not too crowded...yet... we purchased our tickets with our newly aquired yen...
...and went inside...
...these lanterns make changing patterns on the pathway...
...headning up the pathway...
...there are lots of sections with the beautiful rows or tunnels of lanterns...'s quite a sight...
...Big Sissie spied these pastel globes and wanted to go 'in' there...
...there are different 'sections'...and this one has a lot of different characters...beautifully done and right at child height...
...Big Sissie enjoying the globes of light...
...and inside the Cat Bus...
...we meandered along the path...
...and there were just gorgeous lights and globes...
...the statue lanterns were really really amazing to see...
...a beautiful dragon...that appears to be partway under the pathway...and Big Sissie wants to know where he goes...
...surrounded by lanterns...
...about halfway around the path...there was a playground... spent some time there...of course...
...and a heart bench for photos...
...along the path...there are these prayer/wish cones...we could make out what some of them were wishing for this new a baby...
...I'm sure the photos don't really do it justice... was all so beautiful...and soft music was playing in the atmosphere... amazing white dragon...
...this appears to be a really old big bell...there was no sign to translate with our app though...
...Our Airman's sweet family...
...and all of us together...
...heading out...
...back to the car...just as the crowded busses started to arrive...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Cool trip - love the dragons!!! Love, K
