Saturday, May 18, 2024

...5.18...Dinner out and no Movie...and blogger comments for the week...

...first of all...posting my comments to blog friends my blog continues to have 'issues'... my sweet sissie Karen who blogs from her boat at McCraw Sails...Hey sure do have a week crammed full of celebrations don't you..your snacks look good...I need to get some vegan B&Js...and a new exciting...Love, T karen from Pumpkin Sunrise...Hi Karen...Family visits are just the best!... Éphée from L'éphémère quotidienneté des repas et autres trucs de magie...Hi Éphée...the Mexican casserole looks delicious...and your flowers are gorgeous... Penny from Snap That Penny...Hi Penny...I loved your twighlight photos...and that cartoon is hilarious and very à-propos at least in America...

...and on the reading front...I finally finished Dombey and Son...and now I'm reading David's a very engaging story...and also pretty autobiographical...
...we went out to celebrate our the actual date was when we were up at Mom's...and it was Mexican of course...this is our new favorite's cozy and cute...and they'll make basically anything I ask for we sat that just chatting for a couple of hours and then didn't feel up to starting a movie when we got home...

...but there were presents...
...a box of Dr. Bronner's chocolates...same goofy guy that does the castille soaps...have you ever read those labels...haha...a pretty card...and a new artsy bathrobe...probably purchased before I refurbed my old one...also haha...
...a pretty rainbow of chocolates...
...and the Van Gogh robe came from PBS of all places...
...can't wait to start rationing those out daily...haha...

...but what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love your new robe - it's so silky soft! Love, K
