Monday, May 20, 2024

...5.20...Over the Weekend...

...I did the weekly shop...
...lots of veg...
...and I also went to Trader Joe''s downtown so I don't go there's a treat though...
...trying the TJ oat bars in the car...
...they're pretty yummy!...
...we got some fresh apricots...some organic oil...a couple more tomatoes...I couldn't resist for 29¢...some organic peanut buttern and some oat chocolate...just because I was hungry...obvi I already have enough chocolate...
...I broke the handle of the little salt shaker that I use for my kala namak...because these tile floors are pretty unforgiving if you drop I've propped it up and I'm tryin to superglue it back together...

...and then we did quite a bit of "gardening"...
...we repotted all of the Okinawan sweet potato slips...
...hopefully they'll do as well this year as they did last year...
...we picked all of our bush beans...
...such perfect green beans...I'm planting a second batch too...
...and it was time to plant the remaining Tigerella tomatoes...I took the majority of them up to Mom's...but we're going to try and grow the remaining ones in these Topsy-Turvy upside down tomato hanging planters...
...the plant pokes through the bottom in a little foam disc...
...and then you hang them upside down...we're hoping they grow well this way...we've got some patio tomatoes too...

...and on the food prep front...
... I got to work on that child-sized bunch of greens immediately...mainly because I didn't want to try to find room in the fridge for's huge...
...cooked in the instant pot...I really had to cram it in there...but it cooks down so much that it's fine...and just look at all the lovely stems...the best part...
...I made a batch of vegan ricotta...I've been loving it on toast for breakfast...
...then I broke all the beans...
...and blanched them...with a couple of ears of corn...and mixed up three cups of salty water...
...we're trying to lacto ferment green beans and corn the way the Man's Mamaw did all those years ago...we've not had ANY since she passed away...and we've had such good luck with our sauerkraut that we're going to experiment with Pickled Beans...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. Interesting! Up side down tomatoes!!! Never did that! Should I try???

  2. Hope the pickled beans and the upside down tomatoes turn out good. Love, K
