Friday, May 31, 2024

...5.31...New House and then...

...still mostly working on the master bathroom...
...painting the cabinet doors...
...all of the caulking is done...
...we went with the 'biscuit' coloured looks a bit too bright to me...but probably better than white...
...and now the Man is working on the frame for the big mirror...just strips of moulding like we did in the little downstairs bathroom... back to the past...these photos are from several trips to the new house about a year ago now...
...back at the parsonage we refurbished these curtain rods...they were actually from our WV house...
...I gave them a good scrub...
...and we painted them antique bronze for the new house...they're wide enough for our three window set in the master bedroom...and new rods that long are crazy spendy... this particular week at the new house was all about the window blinds for the kitchen...
...and dining nook...
...these were the 20 year old plantation blinds in the Master bedroom...
...they let in an awful lot of light...
...and because this window gets so much light...they are discolored can see the outline of the window panes on the giving them a good scrub like I did the ones in the den is not really an option...
...this was the previous solution...hahaha...
...and so we really needed blackout curtains for the master bedroom...again...because it's so wide we needed three panels to cover the entire I took one panel apart...
...and split it down the middle and sewed half onto each of the other two that it would be all even and close in the middle...
...on the newly painted old curtain rod...
...and half closed...
...and fully's so nice to have the blackout curtains in this east facing bedroom...
...the yard was looking pretty horrible...and the 20 year old sprinkler system was spraying in all crazy directions...
...some of the sprinkler heads were buried...
...and just needed to be uncovered...
...and some we had to completely dig up...
...and remove the broken one...
...and replace it with a new one...
...and some of them were completely broken this one just spewing water straight out of the pipe...
...but we had bought several replacement we think everything is working properly now...
...the Man moved the light fixture that was in the new den into the hallway...'s maybe a little too big for the space...
...but with the ten foot ceilings we think it will be ok here...and we won't have to buy a new one... the garage I did a little bit more organizing...I made labels for the totes we're using to store tools and such...
...that way...I can 'remember' where things are....haha...
...and I also removed the window section insulation...just long enough to spray a mirror coating on the windows...
...and I'm really happy with how that turned out...
...and really almost exactly a year ago...(these photos were taken on June 14th)...the bushes out front were so shaggy that they really needed to be trimmed... we used the little aluminum platform stepladder that Mom gave's perfect for this job..really stable as you lean in to cut the tops...
...this one is a circle around a sugar you have to kind of force your way into the center to trim it there...
...both of these front ones are Loropetalum...Chinese Fringe Flower...
...and then we drilled some holes to plant some pachysandra...
...and I wish I could show you the lovely bed of pachysandra under the big oak tree...sadly I cannot...because although deer aren't supposed to like it...they apparently liked ours well enough to eat all of it...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Your window trimmings all look so nice and "fresh"! Glad you got the sprinklers working - the yard is lovely now. Love, K
