Wednesday, May 08, 2024

...5.8...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...if you know what holiday is coming up and you know someone whose favorite colour is may can guess what this is...haha...
...this bathrobe is about 25 years old...I know that because I wore it at the hospital when Our Airman was born...
...and it resurfaces now...because I 'found' it when we moved...

...remmeber we had a FULL basement at the parsonage...and when we moved there in 2014...I put a lot (A LOT) of totes down there...and then pretty much left them for ten years or so...
...and this robe was in one of those totes because it needed to be mended...seriously needed to be mended...
...remember Jack-Jack...well...when he was still a puppy he found this robe lying on the floor (as it was wont to do...haha)...and he hated it enough to chew serveral large holes in it... that's how long this robe has been away...
...but I wanted it back...we're planning a trip to the mountains to see our Moms this weekend...and I wanted to wear it lounging around Mom's house in the morning... first...I thought I'd do some 'visible mending'...which I kind of like...I often mend socks that I got out some pink print fabric from stash that kind of matches the print collar and pockets...
...but in the end...I decided to cut up one of the Man's old t-shirts and use that...
...first I stitched around each patch with a zig-zag stitch...
...and then I thought I'd make it a little bit more decorative...and I stitched around that with a shell stitch...but that sort of puckered up...
...but it was better after a wash... I'm thankful that moving makes you go through ALL of your stuff...and I'm happy to have this robe in a wearable condition again...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. I've already talked to you in person about this!! :-)
