Thursday, May 23, 2024

...5.23...Delicious Vegan Food we ate...

...people do ask me fairly often "How can you be vegan?"...and I don't scoff at their question but I answer them honestly...I don't go around proselytizing a vegan diet...
...and I do think that it may be easier for me than for some people simply because I love vegetables so very much...these two plates were not eaten at the same time...but they are typical of the kinds of plates I create and love...

...and for a simple meal...
...the Man made this spanish eggplant recipe from Spain on a Fork...just omitting the eggs... was good...and different from our usual what I'd call Italian eggplant recipe...

...what delicious food have you been eating lately?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! How many times we get this question; "how can you be vegan"! My short answer is "how can you not be"! ;-) I agree; loving vegetables and grains and legumes makes it so simple!
    Can't wait for eggplants to come to try the recipe your husband did!
