Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Whoa, Ho, Ho It's Magic Ya know, never believe it's not so...

April's theme for Cub Scouting is Abracadabra - so at our Pack meeting Monday night - we had a magician.

The Magic of Chris...
He blew out a match and a bouquet of red flowers appeared - but I missed that part - here's the match...
He had an amazing coloring book - it started out blank inside...
...then he drew some pictures in the air and gathered them with his hands and threw them at the book and then there were outline drawings in the book - pretty amazing...
...he did a really good job of involving the boys in the magic - he handed out marker pens and asked the boys to color in the air - then he gathered up all the 'coloring' and threw that at the book and - behold - colored pictures - the boys were captivated...
...he poured some water into a cup and it disappeared...
...he hands the Man-Cub (that's his hat and hand reaching) an imaginary ball - and when he throws it back - Chris (audibly) catches it in the bag...
...he took the time to let each cub have a turn throwing the imaginary ball...
...he pulled a bunny out of his hat...
...he had a 'scared' rope - only he could scare it stiff 'though...
...when the boys tried - it just hung there limp...
...he tied some knots in a rope - cut them - and then miraculously - the rope wasn't cut at all...
...he had a nice red and yellow fan - but every time he handed it to one of the boys - they 'broke' it...
...the first little boy is quite taken aback by the fact that he broke the fan - look how much fun Chris is having - you can just see the joy on his face as he laughs and explains that he has a magic wand to 'fix' the broken fan with...
...he ran a blank piece of paper (dollar sized paper) through his magic roller and out came a $20 - the boys started shouting - why didn't you make it a $100...so funny...
...he made some little red balls disappear and then reappear together in different cups...
...he pulled a long sword out of a small (Mary Poppins) bag...
...the messiest trick of all - he cut up a small piece of paper and told the boys he was going to make snow (but it was just a little bit) - then when he started fanning - with another magic fan - there were thousands of pieces of snow...

It was so much fun - I could hardly believe that Chris is just a high school senior - I'm glad we got to see him before he leaves for college in the fall...

...and the Man-Cub got his Aquanaut badge - In May - he'll get his Webelos Patch...


  1. what a great visitor! i did little talks about aviation for the cubs - but that's pretty dry compared to a magic show. he does look like he's having a good time. love, k

  2. That is an impressive show from a high school senior. Remember Matt Fore? He is a professional magician and this guy looks almost as good. I just saw a notice in the paper that Matt is giving a paid show in Hendersonville. We have hired him for club parties and airport functions. E

  3. I do remember Matt Fore from college - it's nice to know he's successful at something he loves...
