Thursday, December 01, 2011

...Search and Rescue Presents...


...some very nice gentlemen from the local Search and Rescue did a presentation at our church on just that... go into the water here 5 or 6 times a year on average...and it's just a good thing to be prepared...or at least have some idea of what you would do in that could happen anywhere...remember I-35W...

...they showed us the equipment they use to get to a car under the water...and often under the ice as well...YIKES!...

...some of their advice surprised me...

...did you know?

...your electric windows and door locks WILL almost certainly still work even under the water... should leave your seatbelt fastened so that you won't get disoriented if the car turns upside down...things will still be where you expect them to be if you're fastened in your seat...

...roll down your window or open your you probably won't be able to hold your breath until the pressure equalizes enough so that you will be able to open the door from the inside...

...when you get out of the car you probably won't be able to see...and it might be difficult to determine which way is let a couple of bubbles of air out of your mouth and follow those up to the surface... are a couple of videos:

Inside a Sinking Car

Mythbusters Sinking Car

Mythbusters Sinking Car Episode

Mythbusters Inverted Car Underwater - Multiple Parts

...anywhoo...scary stuff...

...they gave us one of the little glass breaking seatbelt cutting just have to put it somewhere that it won't move around if the car flips...and then remember where it is and not to panic...

...Be Prepared...Stay Safe...


  1. Oh man, that really freaked me out. I will ask for one of those devices for Christmas.

  2. The number of local cars going into water surprised me, but I suppose there is a lot of water near you and it's easy for a sleepy driver to go off the long straight roads.

    Then again it could be other reasons! Very scary stuff, good tips though.

  3. neat....but i'm thinking you need to be thinking more about rushing water than being submerged!!! good advice, either way.

    love, k
