Monday, September 30, 2013

...a little yard work... most little projects around here...we estimate the time it's going to take...

...our neighbors told us that they had only ever seen this post support a bird feeder...but we think it may have been for one of those 60s umbrella type clothesline we didn't think that it would be that deep...HA!
...and we estimated that it would take us about 5 minutes to throw a snatch line around this post and pull it up with the truck...

...and then another 15 or 20 minutes to fill in the hole...and throw a handful of grass seed on it...

...right?... quote Dr. E...'well no...not exactly'...(said with a swedish accent)...
...we did back the truck into the back yard...and throw the snatch line around the post...
...but we only succeeded in bending the post even worse situation than just having a useless post standing in your backyard... then the Man spent an hour sawing it off...(and w.o. jokes please...he didn't need any all)...

...and then we covered it with soil and sprinkled the grass seed...and we were done...

...and our theory that every project is going to take AT LEAST twice as long as we estimate...sadly...was proven true once again...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. haha! that is so Mom will get a kick out of it.

    love, k

  2. How funny, but now the post is no more!

  3. I got it. HAHA MOM
