Friday, December 14, 2018

...Frugal Friday Favorites...

...a couple of years ago...I experimented with a Vegan Oatmeal Creamer... organic rolled oats are $1.69...and this recipe uses 1/2 cup of oats...which is about 1 1/2 ounces...or about 11¢ this is about the cheapest vegan yogurt you can make...and you can put the leftover pulp into cookies or bread or there's no waste at all...

...when I made the oat milk creamer before...I did not cook it...but I needed to at least heat the oat milk this I heated it to boiling...
...and then let it cool...and to cool it quickly...I set the pot into a sink of cold water... needs to be below 110 degrees before you put the probiotic in...
...then I just opened a capsule of probiotic and sprinkled the powder over the oatmilk...and stirred it in...
...and then put it into my Deva Bridge Yogurt Maker...and left it overnight...

...the next morning we had thick and tangy and delicious vegan yogurt...

~Have a lovely day!

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