Wednesday, January 15, 2020

...1.15...W.I.P. Wednesday...Vegan Shoe Repair...

...y'all may already know that sturdy, well-made and well-fitting vegan shoes are rather difficult to when I find a pair I like...I want to keep them going as long as possible... when the soles of these shoes got too worn out...
...I ordered some replacement looks like they sent two left feet...I think it will be ok though as they are rather large and I'll be cutting away the excess anyway... I scrubbed the soles of the shoes really well...
...and I used this glue - Fix-All Adhesive by SuperGlue...$1 each and I needed one for each sole...and you'll need to work in a well ventilated area and it's pretty stinky...
...I just followed the directions on the box...and then cut away the excess sole...
...and back on my feet...they do feel oddly heavy now...but I'm guessing I'll get used to that...
...and I'm wearing them around the house for a few days...just in case they fail...I don't think they will though...

...have you ever re-soled your shoes?...this is my first time trying it...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Interesting! No, I've never done that before....I'm trying to go days at a time with no shoes!! Love, K

  2. Years ago I had a lovely pair of penny loafers, I had paid a lot for them, wore them all the time and after a number of years they were really looking shabby and the soles were worn out. I took them to a repair shoe repair shop, I could not believe my eyes when I picked them up a week later, they looked brand new, they were polished to an amazing standard, had a sturdy new sole and the whole shoe seem reinvigorated, sturdier, and I felt the cost, $40, was well worth it. I went on to wear those shoes for many more years. But as a vegan I do not wear leather anything anymore, so penny loafers such as the ones I had are no longer an option for me.
    I love your ingenuity and resolve to reduce, reuse and recycle, it is a wonderful thing.

