Friday, February 28, 2020

...Friday Favorites...

...I was clearing some photos off my phone and thought I'd post this one here...sometimes my family likes to see the things I've drawn...and I so appreciate all their support and encouragement over the years...Nanny and Daddy always had good things to say about my childish sketches...children can be so easily discouraged when their drawings don't meet their expectations...and then they will just stop drawing...and it's a skill just like any other and requires practice...

...and I don't normally draw in coloured pencil like this...just HB sketches are my this was pushing my envelope just a bit...

...this is a sketch that I drew for my sweet blogging friend Elizabeth...she blogs over at Bits of Sunshine...and we've been friends for a long time...since I lived in North Dakota and she lived in Minnesota...I love that the internet keeps us close...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. That's cool - I'll have to get you photos of the sketches you did of my boys years ago (they were likely 6-7 year old, so more than 20 years ago). They're framed and hanging in my foyer.

    Love, K

  2. i love this drawing! and i finally got it framed in a way that i like! - so i will send you (or blog!) pics of how the chaco-dog looks in his frame.
    you are a wonderful, friend, T <3
