Monday, October 04, 2021

...10.4...Over the Weekend...

...the weekend started late Friday evening with the smell of freshly mown hay...
...and Saturday morning when I left to pick up the InstaCart groceries the hay lay drying sweetly in the sun...
...I got a few Jack-Jack inspected them thoroughly when I got home...
...I don't think there's anything of note...maybe the 7th generation dish soap...that's new...
...I put in the InstaCart comments that I wanted half 'ripe' bananas and half 'regular' bananas and we actually got some of each...and they weren't all GREEN...haha...and the Man got his favorite deli blueberry bagels...
...for lunch we ate the last tomato that the Man's mom got for us when we were visiting last's a pretty heirloom yellow red one...
...and the afternoon...this big box arrived... Jack inspected that for me too...'s a new keyboard... a little bit of history...this is my current piano's in my 'office'...aka ..."Kitten's Room"...

...the Nyman piece is taped to the wall...because it's 6 pages long...(page 6 is on the keyboard) you'll recognize it as the theme of "The Piano"...I love this piece a lot and so it's usually my warm up piece...I've been playing it for probably 10 years or more...

...this keyboard was a Christmas gift from Mom and Frank some 20 years ago...Our Airman was very little...and we didn't have a 'real' Piano so I used it for regular practice...and it was also the 'piano' that Our Airman started playing when he was about 4 years old...and even when we had a 'real' piano...I kept this one in my office and played it a lot because I could play 'silently' with headphones and not disturb anyone else watching TV or such...but recently it's gotten static-y and some of the keys don't work all of the time...and if you're wondering how I played the Nyman piece or any other piece with a big octave has a neat function where you can shift up or down by an octave...I had to shift down for The Heart asks Pleasure First...and up for the Nutcracker...and Für Elise... are a bunch of piano related posts:

North Dakota Piano
Our Airman's sweet school assignment My House...I thought it was so sweet and funny that he included the piano in things that were great about his house...
Our Airman playing Let it Be
Our Airman plays Poker Face...
...when we moved to West Virginia...we left the piano in the Parsonage in North Dakota...but then we received another one as a gift...
...and here's a final little clip of Our Airman playing that one... to the unboxing...there is a manual...a purple velvet cover...and headphones...
...a single sustain can get the three pedal one with a Sostenuto pedal and a Soft pedal...but this one will be fine for me...
...and here she is...with all 88 weighted keys...
...and luckily it fits in the same space...and the same then I spent the rest of the afternoon playing...haha...
...and then I covered her up with her fancy velvet cover...
...and drove into town to pick up take out from a new Thai place...because our favorite one sadly closed because of the pandemic...I liked the new one...
...Sunday afternoon they came and raked the hay...
...and one of our parishoners brought us a nice bag of muscadines...
...they look like jewels...and also like the Horta eggs on Star Trek...haha...
...and then Sunday evening...with rain in the forecast...they came and baled the hay...I'm so glad they got it in before the rain...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. I might take up the piano again someday - especially since you can play with headphones now - because Duane hates to hear me practice with all my stops and starts. Yum, those sushi rolls look great! Love, K

    1. Hey K, definitely should...did I tell you that I've corresponded recently with our first piano teacher Mrs. was fun to see her familiar handwriting...I still have the 'theory' booklet she wrote in each you still have yours...

  2. how nice to have a weighted keyboard! my husband has been contemplating one but we have a real one in the dining room (piano that is). It's wonderful that you play!!

    1. Hi Karen,
      ...I'm getting used to the new has a lot of different 'grand piano' I play a piece with one voice and then try the next one...trying to settle on which one I like best...
      ~Have a lovely day!

  3. I LOVE to see Jack-Jack inspecting!
    This dog looks so adorable!
    Your last tomato is astonishing!
    OMG; you will love this new keybord so much!!!! Nothing to do with the little 3 octave one!
    Of course, I always prefer an acoustic piano, but I must say that the new generation of keyboard is awesome!
    (i'm a piano teacher ;-) )

    1. Hi Éphée,
      ...WOW...we really do have a lot in common...I didn't know you taught piano...we could start a vegan-dog-lovers-knitters-pianists club...haha...
      ~Have a lovely day!
