Wednesday, August 21, 2024

...8.21...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...well...we drove to Charleston with both cars yesterday...but to no avail...there had been a change in the process...and unfortunately they didn't notify people who were already scheduled for drop off...sooooo...we drove back home with both cars...arghhhhh...

...Our Airman is working to get his orders amended and we'll try again at some future date...and the camaro is in our garage...
...and I can show you my sweet sister-in-law's birthday present now...'s a matching one to my baby brother's from back in March...'s the same self patterning yarn that I used for his toboggan...
...I like it a lot... turned out super cute and they can wear matching hats when they're camping...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no!!! I bet you guys were livid!! And I'm sure you just took it in stride as well....I'm terribly far behind in looking at your blog. When I don't see it every day, it's easy to forget to click on it as has been the habit for so many years. Anyhooo, I'll read all of them now. And oddly - blogger is letting my sign in again so I can comment as myself on my laptop. (Previously, I had to log on with my tablet to comment....)
