Monday, August 05, 2024

...8.5...Over the Weekend...

...we started off the weekend with blueberry scones... you say SCONE or SCONɆ...I say Scone like cone or hone...and didn't really even know there was any controversary...must be a British thing...haha...
...they turned out perfectly...bloobs were still $ I wanted to used these up before I bought a new pint...
...y'all know the routine...after
...pretty normal shop...blueberries...of course...corn was 4 for $1...and guess what...
...West Soy soymilk is like Trader Joe's...TWO INGREDIENTS...and I don't have to schlep 12 miles over to TJ's to get it...YAY!
...after shopping...tea and another scone...that's 3 for today...I intended to have leftover scones before Church on Sunday...but they may not make it...haha...
...and I also made some guacamole...with a 69¢ avocado...
...and then I went for a bike ride...and left my tofu baking in the outdoor kitchen...(aka...toaster oven on a tray table)...and when I got back it was way...WAY break your teeth overdone...I was sad...
...but then I soaked it in some water for a half hour or so...and it became pliable...and I chucked it into my half-century old Emmie...a little bit worried that I might re-break the's epoxied back together now and has been holding for 3 years...the fix is in this post from April of 2021...
...but it survived to blend/chop another day...and I made this ground tofu...and the texture is so perfect...this was a really happy little accident...and I may overcook my tofu on purpose in the future to get this sort of 'ground' texture...I'm going to make a BBQ sammie with it...and then freeze it for the next time the Man makes his famous marinara...
...and finally...the fish/wildlife people that manage the slough behind our house came and cut the tall grass and weeds...

...and I know exactly what Marcel Proust was talking about in À la recherche du temps perdu...with his madeleines...just the smell of the cut grass and weeds took me right back to riding the bus home with my cousins and friends during the early days of the school year in August...when I was about 7 or 8 years old...still hot...sitting by the open bus window...and gazing out at the newly mown fields...the smell is different from just regular grass or many weeds and reeds I guess...and just the overgrown nature of August roadsides that were mown at back to school time...of course I didn't go delving into my past the way Proust did...but recognized the fact that the smell brought be back in time to a very specific point in my life...and that's pretty amazing...and pleasant...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. Haha i say scone like "come" ;-) Scône or scone... they are beautiful in the marvelous green little plate!
    WOW; this soya milk is the perfect one it seems!
    You saved the tofu! Yeah!!! Bravo!
    Smells are so powerfull! Happy reminiscent!
    Have a nice end of the week!

  2. Interesting story about the tofu. Sounds like a good thing for some chili or spaghetti sauce. Love, K
