Friday, August 09, 2024

...8.9...Friday House Update...

...we were back in the Master Bath this week...finishing up some things...the Man had finished painting the large cabinet/cupboard we put those back in place...
...and that really made things look finished...
...we have been using this bathroom though...and trying to make sure we squeegie the shower doors every's a quick chore if you do it when you're still standing in the shower...and it sure makes the weekly cleaning a lot easier...
...I have only used the big tub a few takes forever to fill up...but a soak in it is really luxurious...
...the Man hung up our Japanese art nouveau print...and put a new WC logo on the door...
...I love the simple says rainbow in French...
...and he also painted a little box to hold extra TP rolls to match the cabinets and bring a little cohesiveness to the two rooms...
...and I was so happy to put the linens back in the cupboard...they've been in a clothes basket in the third bedroom since we moved...I had given away more than we kept before we this is about the right amount...we had WAY TOO MUCH before...haha...
...still to do...scrubbing every bit of grout...maybe you can see how discolored it is in this photo with the contrast between what has been cleaned and what hasn't...I'm sure it's really just about 20 years of dust...but it's amazingly difficult to scrub to a 'white'...I'm using two different cleaning methods...the first is Dawn dish soap mixed with alcohol...this works pretty well...but I think it would work better where you can rinse the area with water, like a shower or bathtub, as it's terribly hard to rinse's sooooo it takes several rinses...and then I scrub it again with 12% hydrogen idea that I found while searching for grout cleaning we ordered some from Amazon...I just spray it on and then scrub it with the grout tool again...and I just leave that to dry...

...and then we're also going to add a towel bar or two and the room will be 'finished'...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. I've tried numerous things to scrub the grout. I've found Vim Cream works best. Some places they call it Cif.
