Saturday, March 22, 2025

...3.22...Dinner and a Movie...

...well...I can still see your blogs even if I can't post to my own or really takes almost all of the fun out of blogging... my sweet sissie Karen who blogs from her boat at McCraw Sails...Hey K...glad your dinghy started right up for you...such glassy water and pretty nice that you get new batteries...and everything landside definitely looks ship-shape...Love,T karen from Pumpkin Sunrise...Hi Karen...your Vanilla sweater looks wonderful...down to the final sleeve...years ago I made the Plain Vanilla was a KAL...I posted about it here...I still have the sweater and wear it often...(Ravelry Plain Vanilla Pullover) Éphée from L'éphémère quotidienneté des repas et autres trucs de magie...Hi Éphée...your beet salad looks delicious...I think the olives are a wonderful addition...I have turnips ready to harvest from the winter garden...but the beets did not do so well...maybe we'll still get a few later this spring though...your mushroom tarte looks amazing too...and your pup so sweet... Penny from Snap That Penny...Hi Penny...your March Q&A was so's defnitely been windy here...and a roller coaster of temperatures...trees are blooming and it's pollen season now...everything has a coating of yellow dust...

...on the reading front...I finished The Frozen River...pretty quickly once I had some time to sit down and read...haha...I enjoyed the book...and I should get the true story of A Midwife's Tale - the Life of Marth Ballard based on her Diary 1785-1812...which should be really interesting...I almost always enjoy the non-fiction more than the historical fiction...

...what have you been reading lately?...

...we had homemade pizza for dinner...and watched...Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal was really good...and it was in French which was a bonus (for me anyway...for the Man...not so much...haha)...I really enjoyed it...the French was not difficult to follow at all...and the story was very cute and original...

...what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed so many glitches with blogger in the last 3 years or so. I continue to experience issues too. You're right that it almost takes the fun out of blogging. The various issues I've experienced caused me to cut way back on posting and commenting, especially since I've had a number of issues leaving comments and hardly anyone visits my posts these days. As for what I've been reading lately, I just finished a few books and the one I'm currently reading is called The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store. I'm enjoying it but it wasn't really my cup of tea. Next up is a book called Seven Summers. Maybe it will be more up my alley. I haven't watched much on television lately though I'm trying to make my way through the Netflix series 1883, the prequel to Yellowstone.
