Thursday, August 20, 2015

...a bunch of banana...peppers...

...there were a lot of banana peppers in with all that veg...and we don't eat a lot of banana peppers...but they are so perfect with cabbage...
...that I thought I'd freeze some for when we cook cabbage this we don't cook much cabbage during the summer...
...but I think one bag full is just about enough to get us through the winter...

...all I did to prepare them for the freezer was wash them...trim the ends and slice them in pretty easy prep...

...what about you? you like banana peppers?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. hey - something is weird again with your blog. i'm just now seeing all the different "veg" entries.

    you've been busy!! looks yummy.

    love, k

  2. Banana peppers are a whole new concept for me as I had no idea they existed! Quite an education all these posts about squash etc.!
