Monday, December 14, 2020

...12.14...Over the Weekend... most people this time of year...I've been wrapping lots of presents...
...and I tried a new recipe for chocolate's's made from's delicious...and you'd never know that it's made from potatoes...recipe is from Cooking with Plants...
...a couple of weird things happened to some glass this weekend...the Man was cooking at the stove...and he said he heard a 'pop'...and investigated and found that the butter dish had weird...just sitting on the counter...not near any heat...but I'm sure it had gotten cracked and some temperature variation caused it to break apart...don't worry I'll be trying to fix it...I looked it up at amazon...thinking of replacing it...we've had it a really long time...but that's a crazy price for a butter dish...
...the other sadly broken glass item is this old glass quart jar mug thingy...I've been drinking my morning water/lemon-water/vitamin water out of it for years...and I was stirring some Tang into some water to take my vitamins...and dinged the inside of the glass with the spoon too forcefully (obvi)...and my Tang-water started leaking that one will be recycled...

...and it reminded me of my Nanny...and one of her 'sayings'...if you accidently broke something at her house (she was not very attached to 'things')...she would say...'awww...don't worry about that...they sell those every day'...such a sweet memory of her...
...and then...I did the weekly shopping online...and went and picked it up...Jack is always very interested in anything carried into the house that other people have touched...
...nothing really of note...the organic apple juice and apple sauce are for Our Girl...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. That pudding looks yummy - I'll have to try that although I don't have any dates. I can use some syrup. That is too weird about your butter dish....and I can't remember many of Nanny's sayings, I vaguely remember something cute about corn K

  2. Awwwwwww, that such a sweet story about your Nanny! And I ADORE that sentiment! I'll have to keep in up my sleeve. I'm going to have to try that chocolate pudding. My favorite nacho cheese is made from potatoes in that same you-would-never-know-it-has-potatoes-in-it sort of way.

  3. I buy dollar store glasses so I definitely know I can replace them for $1!
