Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Perfect Homemade French Fries

A few years ago, my (chef) brother shared with me the secret of perfectly crispy homemade french fries.

...You partially cook them about 1-2 minutes and then take them out of the oil and let them sit (it does something to the starch in the potato)...

...the partially cooked fries can wait a while before they are finished...

...then you pop them back into the hot oil and fry them until they are golden brown...

...and you'll have lovely crisp fries to eat with your veggie burger...

I know you want to know how I made such perfectly sized potatoes...

A few years ago I was waxing poetic about a gadget that Grandma had when we were growing up that made perfect french fries - the Infamous Popeil Veg-o-matic - the Man thought it was hilarious - but I was insistent that this thing was fabulous... for Christmas that very year - the Man found one (Ebay I think) - pretty much just like Grandma's...


  1. I can't figure out how that gizmo works, but those do look like perfect french fries. My mum used to make good ones too, though in those days I wasn't vegan and ate them with (cringe) beefburgers!

  2. Hi Nicola,

    I'll take some pictures of it in action - basically there are two screens of sharp wires that fit in the middle and the top acts as a plunger to push the potato (or whatever veg) through the screens creating perfectly even fries or julienned carrots or diced onion, etc...

  3. Hi, I would love to learn how to knit (or crochet, whichever one is easiest) but don’t know where to start. I took a couple of private classes five years ago but I doubt I remember anything. Do you have any suggestions?

  4. Hi Paulina,

    And welcome - I hope you do join the knitterly ranks. I learned from my Mom and Grandma (Nanny) when I was eight - so I don't really know that much about the process. There are several online videos - these may help - Or just go to your Local Yarn Store (LYS) and ask - they probably have some classes or can tell you where to go.

    I hope that helps - I'll be checking your blog for knitterly content soon - hehe...
