Friday, July 31, 2009

Birthday Dinner

We tend to spread Birthdays out over several days here......The Man asked where I wanted to go for my 'Birthday Dinner' - meaning some restaurant of course - I said I just wanted to stay home and have spaghetti - so he spent the entire day cooking some fancy 'heirloom roasted tomato spaghetti' - he roasted the tomatoes and cooked and cooked - Scout set the pretty table - it was all delicious...
...this is some no knead bread - I'll post about that soon too...
...of course we had a cake (with candles - just not nearly enough)...
...I loved our simple little celebration so much...


  1. Well happy birthday to you!

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Yay, Happy Birthday! Sometimes stay at home celebrations are the best!

  4. Very Nice Birthday. Pretty sweater!! Did you knit? MOM

  5. Mom beat me to it!! i wanted to ask if you knitted the sweater!

    yes, happy, happy! love, k

    p.s. tell the man good job!

  6. happy birthday and many happy returns!
