Thursday, July 16, 2009

Colour Week - ORANGE

This is so much fun and I love how it changes your perspective just a little bit to go on a search for just one colour......once again I started here where I sit and looked for some ORANGE - and I found a little bit too......Next room as I head up the hallway on my search is Scout's - and admittedly most of the ORANGE found in the house belongs to him - this is his Pinewood Derby car from 2 years ago - it sits on a shelf in his room - I remember when he made it he had to find just the perfect colour of ORANGE......the release of the new Harry Potter movie spurred a renewed interest in all of the books - Yes - we have seen the movie - and Yes - we liked it a lot in spite of all the differences from the book - we didn't make it to the midnight showing but we were at the earliest matinee yesterday......I could post a picture of Scout's belt rack every day this week - I think all of the colours are represented - ORANGE is the first colour belt - symbolizing the acceptance of the instructor who now considers you a 'student' of the gym......the next room up the hallway is the bathroom - and I managed to find some ORANGE even our bedroom some of the Man's tools - including a neon ORANGE tape measure - all of this really needs to be put we're in the kitchen - where I was sure to find some ORANGE - I don't know if terra cotta truly qualifies for ORANGE or not - this is a little flower pot decorated as a gift from Scout's Kindergarten teacher - that would make it 5 years old - my how time flies......Scout's latest thrift find - I already posted about this one......and last in the kitchen we have some very ORANGE Vegan junk downstairs - Oh my - someone really needs to pick up his ORANGE toys......and in the 'Train Room' there's quite a bit of ORANGE as that's apparently THE Lionel colour... ...a few more ORANGE boxes (some empty - as they are currently attached to a train) on the shelf...
...and finally a crumpled box that still contains the Man's old viewmaster - just the box is ORANGE - the viewmaster is black...


  1. I love the belt rack and the viewmaster!

  2. very cool!! (i'm still trying to get over the towel in the bathroom.....)

    love, k

  3. GREAT towel. I love vintage linens.

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Orange is one of my two favorite colors. I can't wait to see green week.

  5. Scouts belts stand out as my favourite in this lot of orange.
    That's a lot of orange I wonder if I have that much orange?

  6. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I was worried I wouldn't find any orange. But I actually found quite a bit. So did you. Looks great.
    I love that you included the Reese's Puffs. Most people I meet think we vegans just eat granola and bark. :)
