Tuesday, November 04, 2014

...Eagle Scout Project...

...I meant to post this yesterday...but I didn't go through the gazillion photos I took in time...so here is the end of Scout's Eagle Scout Project...

...we met in the Troop room in the basement...where the lighting is no good...(that said...I still took a ton of photos)...
...the scout's got busy right away...
...going through each pack and checking all of the items off on the checklist...
...they stacked them neatly against one wall when they were done...
...and piled them on a table...there were 55 in all...
...then they loaded them all into the truck ready for delivery...
...and came in for lunch...
...then we headed over to the Mission to deliver the backpacks...
...and everyone grabbed as many packs as they could carry...
...and in just a few trips the scouts carried all of the packs in...
...and handed them over the counter...
...and so that was the end of Scout's Eagle Scout Project...

...we got two more packs on Sunday...so the grand total was 57 Backpacks for the Homeless...a few more than his goal of 50...

...now it's on to the final paperwork...and a Board of Review scheduled for December 18th...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Something that is going to touch 57 lives, something to be proud of.

  2. a wonderful milestone! congrats to all of you! (since i know how much the parents expend in support of the new Eagle Scout!)

    looking forward to that ceremony!
    love, k

  3. Wow, that is such an awesome project!
